Bird Flu Fears Hit Chicken Sales in City, Not Rural Telengana.. 28-02-2019, by admin, 90 Comments 4 Views Chicken sales in Hyderabad are reported to be down the maximum amount as eighty per cent as customers ar scared of recent outbreaks of bird contagious disease within the close space of Telangana state. Chicken sales fell by concerning eighty per cent in recent days in Hyderabad, the capital of Telangana,once a virulent disease of bird contagious disease elsewhere within the state, reported last week,afraid customers. Economic Times of Bharat reports that, whilst customers within the town control off purchases, sales of chickens and eggs remained for the most part unaffected within the rural elements of the state.neighbour states, except state, conjointly continued to shop for product, providing support to the Telangana poultry business. S. Balasubramaniam, chief at Venkateshwara Hatcheries, India’s largest poultry company, said: “Chicken consumption saw a drop of fifty per cent in Hyderabad throughout the primary four days once thenatural event of bird contagious disease and crashed by nearly eighty per cent on Sunday, a bigweekend for the poultry business, that usually reports majority sales on weekends.” Over the past week, government authorities have culled over a hundred and sixty,000 birds and destroyed over two hundred,000 eggs from poultry farms in and around Thorrur village, wherever the birdcontagious disease natural event was reported last weekday. According to the newspaper, Telangana accounts for simple fraction of the country’s 900-billion rupee poultry business, manufacturing five hundred,000 tonnes of chicken and fourteen.6 billion eggs a year. The business has calculable a INR1.5 billion loss over the past week, at least. It may take another thirty days for the govt. to complete clearing operations, together with application, before declaring the affected zone free from bird contagious disease, Telangana’s agriculture director, D. Venkateswarlu told Economic Times. Chicken biryani sales in hotels and restaurants in Hyderabad fell virtually fifty per cent though each social and medium carried warnings whilst agriculture officers assured the general public there was no threat and suggested consumption of poultry product burned at high temperatures. Mr Balasubramaniam told the newspaper: “The major solace is that the natural event of bird contagious disease failed to have any adverse result on sale of chicken and eggs within the rural markets.,” He supplemental that weekends account for nearly simple fraction of the poultry industry’s sales. Venkateshwara Hatcheries with its associates together with Sneha Farms controls concerning eighty per cent of Telangana’s poultry market