Over 250 firms participate in KRISHI 2014…. 28-02-2019, by admin, 0 Comments 4 Views Over 250 companies have participated at the ninth edition of Krishi 2014 that was command in Nasik from fourteen to eighteen Nov, 2014. Speaking whereas inauguration the exhibition, Ilan Divon, consul, economic affairs in Bombay said: “India is associate agriculture orienting country of that around forty per cent of the person power area unit engaged in farming and allied services, however agriculture solely contributes seven per cent to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country.” Even though Bharat is that the 1st largest milk producer within the world, second largest wheat producer and fifth largest corn producer, its forty per cent of children’s below 5 years area unit malnourished , adult male Divon stressed. Israel, the North American country and China area unit manufacturing a lot of with less human resources with the assistance of latest technology and farming techniquies, adult male Divon stressed. “Our agriculture is extremely advance and that we invite you to come back along and lift the quality in Bharat,” adult male Divon appealed. The event conjointly saw the launching of Krishi app (farm app) which will facilitate farmers to examine weather, markets et al services that area unit terribly useful to them. The free app has been launched on robot platform and really before long the app are out there on apple store too, Sahil Nyaharkar, director, Media events, the organiser of the event and developer of the app told 5m publication. We have contact of two hundred traders and whereas mistreatment this app farmers will get connected with them to sell the turn out, adult male Nyaharkar adds. The app also will give facilitate to farmers in farming activities and can be dilated to over 3000 traders in future, he said. Even though Bharat has 3 season, summer, rainy and winter seasons across the year, currently it’s a modified and unseasonal rain will ruin or crop. We need to require this challenge, in order that our crops aren’t ruined by such unnatural activities, Harischandra Chavan, member of parliament, Dhindori, geographic area state same whereas speaking at the inaugural event. The minister same the distinctive a part of the event is that the organisers have invited thirty five0 men and 350 ladies UN agency have build innovations in farming from 35 talukas across the state. Dr Rahul Ahir, member of assembly said: “Even although productions of foodstuff have enlarged there has been shortage of storage, that caused vast damages to farmers, additionally because the country.” “Unless and till we tend to use technology in agriculture, we tend to cannot build agriculture profitable,” adult male Ahir stressed. The event saw participation of over two hundred,000 and farmers, students and other people from the farm sector over the 5 day event. The biennial event has been currently become a yearly event and can be referred to as Krishithon. Around three hundred stalls have displayed agricultural inputs, machineries and advance technologies touching on farming.