What is Poultry Management? 05-11-2019, by sanjana, 0 Comments 6 Views Poultry management mainly refers to the practices or techniques that are used to increase production. Scientific poultry management aims to maximize profit without any investments. Brooder Management It should be free from all hazards, such as rain and predators. Brooder pens windows should be built with wire mesh to allow proper air circulation. They should be dust-free because dust causes irritation to the eyes of the chicks and the respiratory tract. Too much moisture causes ammonia fumes that cause irritation of the respiratory system and eyes. How to Take Care of Brooder? There are various things that one should keep in mind while managing brooders. 1. Sanitation and Hygiene Sanitation of the brooder is very crucial. Proper hygiene controls diseases, and pests. The movable equipment, such as waterers, feeders, and hoovers, should be removed from the brooder and cleaned. The interior, as well as the exterior of the house, should be cleaned under pressure and disinfected with the recommended concentration. The brooder should be sprayed with insecticides to prevent insects. After each cleaning of the brooder, new litter should be spread. 2. Litter The suitable litter to be spread in a brooder is sawdust or paddy husk. They should be spread to a length of 5cm according to their availability and cost. Moldy materials should not be used at any cost. The frequent stirring of the litter should be observed to avoid caking. Wetness in the brooder should be avoided to prevent ammonia Cal odor. If there’s any wet litter, it should be replaced with dry litter immediately. 3. Temperature The temperature in the brooder is very essential. Too much or low heat can cause slow death and mortality. During the first week, the temperature should be 35 degrees Celsius and reduced by 5 degrees during each successive week. Before the chicks arrive, the brooder should be warmed for 24 hours. The behavior of the chicks shows whether the chicks are getting the right temperature. When the temperature is not right, the chicks tend to come closer or move to the source of the heat. When the temperature is so high, the chicks move away from the source, causing them to pant and gasp for air. Proper heating will see that the chicks are evenly spread in the brooder. 4. Space It should be 7 to 10 square inches per chicken. When using small pens, the dimension should be taken into consideration because overcrowding can cause culls and disease problems. 5. Guard To prevent straying of baby chicks, hovers are placed at the edge of the hover. 6. Water The provision of plentiful and freshwater is essential. Chicks should be provided with a linear of 50 cm in the first week. The fountains are to be left for several days when changing to water troughs for the chicks to locate where they are.